Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Off Day

You ever have one of those days where you consciously take off work so you can get things done around the house, i.e. cleaning, reading, etc, and then only get a fraction of what you wanted done? Well that happened to me today. After waking up an hour and half after I had "planned on," I watched Glee and Lost, two of my most favorite shows. Glee was good (as always!) and Lost was...well, a bunch of peoples status' were saying, "oh J.J. Abrahms, that was the crappiest episode all season, etc etc, but I disagree. It began to bring full circle the stories of Jacob, the Man in Black, and the Survivors. True, we still don't know about the flashes sideways, but theres only 1 more episode before the series finale!!! Anyways, after that, I started to do some reading, but quickly got distracted by Farmville, Stumble, and Apple Trailers. Super 8 anyone? J.J. Abrahms has mastered the art of the teaser trailer, from this new Super 8 thing, to the teaser for the new Star Trek that came out last year, to the art form defining teaser for Cloverfield. At the end of these movies, you're not pumped because the heroes just killed the bad guys and save America (again), but because you wanna get home and google these new movie trailers, and see what kind of inside info you can get from them! Its changing the way and the reasons people go to the movies. So anyways, I didn't get anything I wanted to, done, and now I'm even further behind on my workload. Boohoo. On the upside, I got a sub call this afternoon, so I'll be doing that tomorrow, as well as some manual labor that I do for my uncle. I really need to find a more stable job........but first, I'd have to find..............................................THE TIME!!!!

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