Monday, May 3, 2010

Strike One

Well now, here I am, on the blog-o-sphere......or in it rather.....I'm not 100% sure, I'm still new at this.

Now, what to blog about? They make you pick you're name before you blog anything, so my title may not have anything to do with my musings, on life, the universe, and everything. That's one thing I'll have to warn you about, I'm a pop culture sponge, so if I say something that doesn't make sense, it's either a movie quote (which you can search at or a song lyric (which you can search for on google).

I feel like, if you blog, you have to have something important to say, like you have to have great prose or spot on reporting to be read. Which makes me think, and I really don't care if I have either. I'll try to have all my facts checked, my rhyme in perfect meter, etc. But when it's not, don't come down too hard on me. I'm only human.

So, I guess I should talk about something, give this post a topic other than introductions...............


(yes I like to swing for the fences, even if it means no one's pitching a ball).

I believe we are all God. God took a little piece of Himself/Herself/Itself, and created all life as we know it. (in reference to the He/She/It issue, a truly infinite god would be all those things. To say an infinite God is just a man, is to say all the donuts in the world are glazed. Lame!). That's not to say I don't believe in evolution, because I do. Now I'm sure some of you out there are thinking, well, evolution is a theory! Which I would agree with, it is still technically a theory, however the mounting evidence is quite substantial. The difference between scientific theory and law, is the math involved. To arbitrarily quantify the entirety of the known genomes in animal kingdom alone would take longer than the Milky Way has before it collides with the Andromeda Galaxy: (here's one of those fact checks i was talking about!) Billions of years. Things like the Law of Gravity or the Law of Thermo-dynamics, all have equations that were derived from theories, and with no proof to the contrary, they became laws. Evolution and the Big Bang are still theories, mostly because of how young the ideas are, humanly speaking. Evolutions 200 years old, and the Big Bang is around 100 years old. So we are only just starting to see how these theories work in the real world, and testing them in the lab, as well as the field. However, like I tend to do, I have gone astray from the main issue: God. Or have I? The Big 3 Religions (A.k.a. the Abrahamic Religions; Judaism, Christianity, and Islam) preach a separation from God, most of the time, from birth, and that only through the church can you reclaim you're "rightful place" at "gods table" in heaven. If you don't follow what they say you'll burn in "hell" for "eternity" and never know God. I'm sorry, aren't religions supposed to bring you closer to God? Not tease you like schoolyard bully then kick you too the curb when you don't live up to, or agree with their expectations. I understand the purpose of religion, at least from the psychological prospective; Religion is a belief system that induces thoughts, and therefore behaviors, according to a specified model. Priests and Rabbi's tell you what to think, about God, about other people, about the universe as a whole (which in the past used be very little). They tell you how to behave: according to "God's will." I'm sorry but "God's will" is the biggest load of baloney since the Book of Genesis (which i'm sure we'll talk about later). God is infinite, which is what I believe and what the Big 3 will preach. However, they turn right around say, if you don't do this, or if you do do that, God won't love you and you'll go to hell. I'm sorry, I thought God was love, God was infinite? There's nothing God could want. God Wants NOTHING!!! from ANYONE!!! Its as simple as that! I'm sure some of you out there are crapping you're pants right now, or have clicked this off because you think I'm a heretic, sent here by "the Devil" or "the Evil One" to take you're soul. For those of you still reading, I'm not, I assure you. Now back to the topic. There is nothing that is not God, for God is All There Is. God is the Alpha and the Omega, the Unmoved Mover, the Force, Infinity, whatever you want to call it, it's all God. So to say that there is something God wants from you, is complete hogwash. Anything you will ever do, and everything you have ever done, was in God, through God, and by God. Not to say you have no free will, you do, you can do whatever you like, just know that there's no such thing as "the good path" or "the bad path." God is outside such human insignificancies as Good and Evil. Sure the bible will tell you that some things are good and somethings are bad, but that was written by men. I'll agree that it was inspired by God, if you'll agree that Dante's Inferno, Mein Kampf, and the stories of Jack the Ripper were also inspired by God. God is an all or nothing topic here people! Peoples thoughts about God determine their thoughts about people and the world at large. If you're taught to love God and fear God at the same time, you're gonna confuse those feelings your whole life! You'll love your spouse, but also fear them, and deep down you'll never really understand why! Until you start questioning what people are telling you! World leaders, Religious leaders, News leaders, everyone. Find your own truth. Stop being lazy and having someone else tell you what to believe! Stop fearing! Psalms 27:1 Fear nothing, for God is with (of) you.

I think I've spouted enough rhetoric for one posting. Here's to Future, and all its Infinite possibilities.

1 comment:

  1. wow, that went on for a while. note to self, next time, not so much.
